Friday 22 June 2007

Collective Noun

One of the joys of working reasonably flexible hours is that I get to avoid travelling at the height of rush-hour. By-on-large I get to miss having to take the overcrowded trains and almost always get a seat with a table. Sometimes, however, I encounter a large entourage travelling together, presumably also hoping to avoid the rush hour crowds. For example, school outings are not uncommon.

This morning I boarded a train just moments before a whole crowd of salesmen turned up and also joined. Just imagine the horror. I was surrounded by twenty suited barrow boys engaged in some bizarre orgiastic bragging competion punctuated by inane cackles and witless inuendos.

How is it that salesmen universally fail to recognise that they're cunts? They just blindly go about masturbating their own egos in public as if other people are both interested and impressed.

Anyway, enough of the rant. There's a point to this.

It set me to wondering what an appropriate collective noun for salesmen might be. I quite liked a vulgarity of salesmen, though a nausea of salesmen also seems appropriate.

Are there any other suggestions out there?


Greg said...

How about a buffoonery? It's already used for orangutans but it seems to fit.

The Rantmeister said...

Salesmen have wallets instead of soles.

That's what powers their bum hole personalities.